Monday, March 31, 2008

The Five D's: Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive, and Dodge

Saturday, as many careerians may know, featured the titanic duel between two ABF's. (is it just me or does Faith have way too many acronyms?) The Careerians threw down the gauntlet which the youthful Journey promtly picked up. The duel: Dodgeball. Needless to say, this Lifeline substitute proved amazing!! Shout outs to: A. Maulding who regulated the 40-ish youngins for the night and provided direction for them, B. MadMup gave nice speel on ecclesiastes (one of my fave books), C.Bosmid for refing and playing in the challenge. Two words: Sweet Action. Fortunately for the Journeyers they did not stand alone, for low and behold three Impacters joined the fray! I did not mind being on the winning team. I was more relieved that the bro did not break another kid's arm. It has happened before. That's all I got for tonite. English paper notecards leave me winded in a mental sense. Signing out.


MadMup said...

It was tons o' fun, I just wish I weren't still sore two days later!

The Rock Star said...


M. Kate said...

I love you, Lance. :) You are the coolest of dudes. And that's why it's so cool to work with you "utes". (that's movie lingo for youths)

AND...drumroll please...Kim and I (along with the class) are working on getting us some new dodgeball digs...I'm talking REAL regulation Dodgeball action, here.


But don't tell anyone. ;)

Unknown said...

I'm sad I missed it. Dodgeball was one of my favorite games in junior high.

Mel Eik said...

You have some serious way with the words there, brotha.
Looking forward to reading more.

Dana said...

Welcome lil bro!

Sage Merecat said...

I'll be giving Chuck Norris a call for the next round of dodgeball. Nice post my bromide. Have a cookie, err or a Kirby . . .
<(''<( ' ' )>'')>

Abby :) said...

Chuck Norris doesn't do dodgeball, his competition dodges him!

FYI..."Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he benchpresses the world." - quoteable from Lance

Hayden405 said...

Hey Lance! Nice!

mom-o said...

You have a way with words. I always enjoy reading what u write. And I love the way you verbally create words/expressions/ make a point, like "Prepare for termination." God created you with this gift, so keep on writing/speaking. I love you, Mom-o

Hayden405 said...

Are you going to be a one hit wonder? Where a new post? ;-)